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Software of the Month - Ultimate Collection Shareware 277.iso
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695 lines
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
use Config;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Getopt::Std;
die "-r and -a options are mutually exclusive\n" if ($opt_r and $opt_a);
@inc_dirs = inc_dirs() if $opt_a;
my $Exit = 0;
my $Dest_dir = $opt_d || $Config{installsitearch};
die "Destination directory $Dest_dir doesn't exist or isn't a directory\n"
unless -d $Dest_dir;
@isatype = split(' ',<<END);
char uchar u_char
short ushort u_short
int uint u_int
long ulong u_long
FILE key_t caddr_t
@isatype{@isatype} = (1) x @isatype;
$inif = 0;
@ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV;
while (defined ($file = next_file())) {
if (-l $file and -d $file) {
link_if_possible($file) if ($opt_l);
# Recover from header files with unbalanced cpp directives
$t = '';
$tab = 0;
# $eval_index goes into ``#line'' directives, to help locate syntax errors:
$eval_index = 1;
if ($file eq '-') {
open(IN, "-");
open(OUT, ">-");
} else {
($outfile = $file) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/ || next;
print "$file -> $outfile\n" unless $opt_Q;
if ($file =~ m|^(.*)/|) {
$dir = $1;
mkpath "$Dest_dir/$dir";
if ($opt_a) { # automagic mode: locate header file in @inc_dirs
foreach (@inc_dirs) {
chdir $_;
last if -f $file;
open(IN,"$file") || (($Exit = 1),(warn "Can't open $file: $!\n"),next);
open(OUT,">$Dest_dir/$outfile") || die "Can't create $outfile: $!\n";
print OUT "require '_h2ph_pre.ph';\n\n";
while (<IN>) {
while (/\\$/) {
$_ .= <IN>;
print OUT "# $_\n" if $opt_D;
if (s:/\*:\200:g) {
s/\200[^\201]*\201//g; # delete single line comments
if (s/\200.*//) { # begin multi-line comment?
$_ .= '/*';
$_ .= <IN>;
if (s/^\s*\#\s*//) {
if (s/^define\s+(\w+)//) {
$name = $1;
$new = '';
if (s/^\(([\w,\s]*)\)//) {
$args = $1;
my $proto = '() ';
if ($args ne '') {
$proto = '';
foreach $arg (split(/,\s*/,$args)) {
$arg =~ s/^\s*([^\s].*[^\s])\s*$/$1/;
$curargs{$arg} = 1;
$args =~ s/\b(\w)/\$$1/g;
$args = "local($args) = \@_;\n$t ";
$new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; #"]);
$new = reindent($new);
$args = reindent($args);
if ($t ne '') {
$new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; #']);
if ($opt_h) {
print OUT $t,
"eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
} else {
print OUT $t,
"eval 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
} else {
print OUT "unless(defined(\&$name)) {\n sub $name $proto\{\n\t${args}eval q($new);\n }\n}\n";
%curargs = ();
} else {
$new = 1 if $new eq '';
$new = reindent($new);
$args = reindent($args);
if ($t ne '') {
$new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; #']);
if ($opt_h) {
print OUT $t,"eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name () {",$new,";}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
} else {
print OUT $t,"eval 'sub $name () {",$new,";}' unless defined(\&$name);\n";
} else {
# Shunt around such directives as `#define FOO FOO':
next if " \&$name" eq $new;
print OUT $t,"unless(defined(\&$name)) {\n sub $name () {\t",$new,";}\n}\n";
} elsif (/^(include|import)\s*[<"](.*)[>"]/) {
($incl = $2) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
print OUT $t,"require '$incl';\n";
} elsif(/^include_next\s*[<"](.*)[>"]/) {
($incl = $1) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/;
print OUT ($t,
"eval {\n");
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
print OUT ($t,
"my(\%INCD) = map { \$INC{\$_} => 1 } ",
"(grep { \$_ eq \"$incl\" } keys(\%INC));\n");
print OUT ($t,
"my(\@REM) = map { \"\$_/$incl\" } ",
"(grep { not exists(\$INCD{\"\$_/$incl\"})",
"and -f \"\$_/$incl\" } \@INC);\n");
print OUT ($t,
"require \"\$REM[0]\" if \@REM;\n");
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
print OUT ($t,
print OUT ($t,
"warn(\$\@) if \$\@;\n");
} elsif (/^ifdef\s+(\w+)/) {
print OUT $t,"if(defined(&$1)) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
} elsif (/^ifndef\s+(\w+)/) {
print OUT $t,"unless(defined(&$1)) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
} elsif (s/^if\s+//) {
$new = '';
$inif = 1;
$inif = 0;
print OUT $t,"if($new) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
} elsif (s/^elif\s+//) {
$new = '';
$inif = 1;
$inif = 0;
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
print OUT $t,"}\n elsif($new) {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
} elsif (/^else/) {
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
print OUT $t,"} else {\n";
$tab += 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
} elsif (/^endif/) {
$tab -= 4;
$t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8);
print OUT $t,"}\n";
} elsif(/^undef\s+(\w+)/) {
print OUT $t, "undef(&$1) if defined(&$1);\n";
} elsif(/^error\s+(".*")/) {
print OUT $t, "die($1);\n";
} elsif(/^error\s+(.*)/) {
print OUT $t, "die(\"", quotemeta($1), "\");\n";
} elsif(/^warning\s+(.*)/) {
print OUT $t, "warn(\"", quotemeta($1), "\");\n";
} elsif(/^ident\s+(.*)/) {
print OUT $t, "# $1\n";
} elsif(/^\s*(typedef\s*)?enum\s*(\s+[a-zA-Z_]\w*\s*)?\{/) {
until(/\}.*?;/) {
chomp($next = <IN>);
$_ .= $next;
print OUT "# $next\n" if $opt_D;
s/\s+/ /g;
($enum_subs = $3) =~ s/\s//g;
@enum_subs = split(/,/, $enum_subs);
$enum_val = -1;
for $enum (@enum_subs) {
($enum_name, $enum_value) = $enum =~ /^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(=.+)?$/;
$enum_value =~ s/^=//;
$enum_val = (length($enum_value) ? $enum_value : $enum_val + 1);
if ($opt_h) {
print OUT ($t,
"eval(\"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n",
"sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ",
"unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n");
++ $eval_index;
} else {
print OUT ($t,
"eval(\"sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ",
"unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n");
print OUT "1;\n";
$is_converted{$file} = 1;
queue_includes_from($file) if ($opt_a);
exit $Exit;
sub reindent($) {
my($text) = shift;
$text =~ s/\n/\n /g;
$text =~ s/ /\t/g;
sub expr {
if(keys(%curargs)) {
my($joined_args) = join('|', keys(%curargs));
while ($_ ne '') {
s/^\&\&// && do { $new .= " &&"; next;}; # handle && operator
s/^\&([\(a-z\)]+)/$1/i; # hack for things that take the address of
s/^(\s+)// && do {$new .= ' '; next;};
s/^(0X[0-9A-F]+)[UL]*//i && do {$new .= lc($1); next;};
s/^(-?\d+\.\d+E[-+]\d+)F?//i && do {$new .= $1; next;};
s/^(\d+)\s*[LU]*//i && do {$new .= $1; next;};
s/^("(\\"|[^"])*")// && do {$new .= $1; next;};
s/^'((\\"|[^"])*)'// && do {
if ($curargs{$1}) {
$new .= "ord('\$$1')";
} else {
$new .= "ord('$1')";
# replace "sizeof(foo)" with "{foo}"
# also, remove * (C dereference operator) to avoid perl syntax
# problems. Where the %sizeof array comes from is anyone's
# guess (c2ph?), but this at least avoids fatal syntax errors.
# Behavior is undefined if sizeof() delimiters are unbalanced.
# This code was modified to able to handle constructs like this:
# sizeof(*(p)), which appear in the HP-UX 10.01 header files.
s/^sizeof\s*\(// && do {
$new .= '$sizeof';
my $lvl = 1; # already saw one open paren
# tack { on the front, and skip it in the loop
$_ = "{" . "$_";
my $index = 1;
# find balanced closing paren
while ($index <= length($_) && $lvl > 0) {
$lvl++ if substr($_, $index, 1) eq "(";
$lvl-- if substr($_, $index, 1) eq ")";
# tack } on the end, replacing )
substr($_, $index - 1, 1) = "}";
# remove pesky * operators within the sizeof argument
substr($_, 0, $index - 1) =~ s/\*//g;
# Eliminate typedefs
/\(([\w\s]+)[\*\s]*\)\s*[\w\(]/ && do {
foreach (split /\s+/, $1) { # Make sure all the words are types,
last unless ($isatype{$_} or $_ eq 'struct');
s/\([\w\s]+[\*\s]*\)// && next; # then eliminate them.
# struct/union member, including arrays:
s/^([_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?((\.|->)[_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?)+)//i && do {
$id = $1;
$id =~ s/(\.|(->))([^\.\-]*)/->\{$3\}/g;
$id =~ s/\b([^\$])($joined_args)/$1\$$2/g if length($joined_args);
while($id =~ /\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/) {
my($index) = $1;
$index =~ s/\s//g;
if(exists($curargs{$index})) {
$index = "\$$index";
} else {
$index = "&$index";
$id =~ s/\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/[$index]/;
$new .= " (\$$id)";
s/^([_a-zA-Z]\w*)// && do {
$id = $1;
if ($id eq 'struct') {
$id .= ' ' . $1;
$isatype{$id} = 1;
} elsif ($id =~ /^((un)?signed)|(long)|(short)$/) {
while (s/^\s+(\w+)//) { $id .= ' ' . $1; }
$isatype{$id} = 1;
if ($curargs{$id}) {
$new .= "\$$id";
$new .= '->' if /^[\[\{]/;
} elsif ($id eq 'defined') {
$new .= 'defined';
} elsif (/^\(/) {
s/^\((\w),/("$1",/ if $id =~ /^_IO[WR]*$/i; # cheat
$new .= " &$id";
} elsif ($isatype{$id}) {
if ($new =~ /{\s*$/) {
$new .= "'$id'";
} elsif ($new =~ /\(\s*$/ && /^[\s*]*\)/) {
$new =~ s/\(\s*$//;
} else {
$new .= q(').$id.q(');
} else {
if ($inif && $new !~ /defined\s*\($/) {
$new .= '(defined(&' . $id . ') ? &' . $id . ' : 0)';
} elsif (/^\[/) {
$new .= " \$$id";
} else {
$new .= ' &' . $id;
s/^(.)// && do { if ($1 ne '#') { $new .= $1; } next;};
# Handle recursive subdirectories without getting a grotesquely big stack.
# Could this be implemented using File::Find?
sub next_file
my $file;
while (@ARGV) {
$file = shift @ARGV;
if ($file eq '-' or -f $file or -l $file) {
return $file;
} elsif (-d $file) {
if ($opt_r) {
} else {
print STDERR "Skipping directory `$file'\n";
} elsif ($opt_a) {
return $file;
} else {
print STDERR "Skipping `$file': not a file or directory\n";
return undef;
# Put all the files in $directory into @ARGV for processing.
sub expand_glob
my ($directory) = @_;
$directory =~ s:/$::;
opendir DIR, $directory;
foreach (readdir DIR) {
next if ($_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..');
# expand_glob() is going to be called until $ARGV[0] isn't a
# directory; so push directories, and unshift everything else.
if (-d "$directory/$_") { push @ARGV, "$directory/$_" }
else { unshift @ARGV, "$directory/$_" }
closedir DIR;
# Given $file, a symbolic link to a directory in the C include directory,
# make an equivalent symbolic link in $Dest_dir, if we can figure out how.
# Otherwise, just duplicate the file or directory.
sub link_if_possible
my ($dirlink) = @_;
my $target = eval 'readlink($dirlink)';
if ($target =~ m:^\.\./: or $target =~ m:^/:) {
# The target of a parent or absolute link could leave the $Dest_dir
# hierarchy, so let's put all of the contents of $dirlink (actually,
# the contents of $target) into @ARGV; as a side effect down the
# line, $dirlink will get created as an _actual_ directory.
} else {
if (-l "$Dest_dir/$dirlink") {
unlink "$Dest_dir/$dirlink" or
print STDERR "Could not remove link $Dest_dir/$dirlink: $!\n";
if (eval 'symlink($target, "$Dest_dir/$dirlink")') {
print "Linking $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink\n";
# Make sure that the link _links_ to something:
if (! -e "$Dest_dir/$target") {
mkpath("$Dest_dir/$target", 0755) or
print STDERR "Could not create $Dest_dir/$target/\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Could not symlink $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink: $!\n";
# Push all #included files in $file onto our stack, except for STDIN
# and files we've already processed.
sub queue_includes_from
my ($file) = @_;
my $line;
return if ($file eq "-");
open HEADER, $file or return;
while (defined($line = <HEADER>)) {
while (/\\$/) { # Handle continuation lines
chop $line;
$line .= <HEADER>;
if ($line =~ /^#\s*include\s+<(.*?)>/) {
push(@ARGV, $1) unless $is_converted{$1};
close HEADER;
# Determine include directories; $Config{usrinc} should be enough for (all
# non-GCC?) C compilers, but gcc uses an additional include directory.
sub inc_dirs
my $from_gcc = `$Config{cc} -v 2>&1`;
$from_gcc =~ s:^Reading specs from (.*?)/specs\b.*:$1/include:s;
length($from_gcc) ? ($from_gcc, $Config{usrinc}) : ($Config{usrinc});
# Create "_h2ph_pre.ph", if it doesn't exist or was built by a different
# version of h2ph.
sub build_preamble_if_necessary
# Increment $VERSION every time this function is modified:
my $VERSION = 1;
my $preamble = "$Dest_dir/_h2ph_pre.ph";
# Can we skip building the preamble file?
if (-r $preamble) {
# Extract version number from first line of preamble:
open PREAMBLE, $preamble or die "Cannot open $preamble: $!";
my $line = <PREAMBLE>;
$line =~ /(\b\d+\b)/;
close PREAMBLE or die "Cannot close $preamble: $!";
# Don't build preamble if a compatible preamble exists:
return if $1 == $VERSION;
my (%define) = _extract_cc_defines();
open PREAMBLE, ">$preamble" or die "Cannot open $preamble: $!";
print PREAMBLE "# This file was created by h2ph version $VERSION\n";
foreach (sort keys %define) {
if ($opt_D) {
print PREAMBLE "# $_=$define{$_}\n";
if ($define{$_} =~ /^\d+$/) {
"unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { $define{$_} } }\n\n";
} else {
"unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { \"",
quotemeta($define{$_}), "\" } }\n\n";
close PREAMBLE or die "Cannot close $preamble: $!";
# %Config contains information on macros that are pre-defined by the
# system's compiler. We need this information to make the .ph files
# function with perl as the .h files do with cc.
sub _extract_cc_defines
my %define;
my $allsymbols = join " ", @Config{ccsymbols, cppsymbols, cppccsymbols};
# Split compiler pre-definitions into `key=value' pairs:
foreach (split /\s+/, $allsymbols) {
$define{$1} = $2;
if ($opt_D) {
print STDERR "$_: $1 -> $2\n";
return %define;
=head1 NAME
h2ph - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
B<h2ph [-d destination directory] [-r | -a] [-l] [headerfiles]>
converts any C header files specified to the corresponding Perl header file
It is most easily run while in /usr/include:
cd /usr/include; h2ph * sys/*
cd /usr/include; h2ph -r -l .
The output files are placed in the hierarchy rooted at Perl's
architecture dependent library directory. You can specify a different
hierarchy with a B<-d> switch.
If run with no arguments, filters standard input to standard output.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item -d destination_dir
Put the resulting B<.ph> files beneath B<destination_dir>, instead of
beneath the default Perl library location (C<$Config{'installsitsearch'}>).
=item -r
Run recursively; if any of B<headerfiles> are directories, then run I<h2ph>
on all files in those directories (and their subdirectories, etc.). B<-r>
and B<-a> are mutually exclusive.
=item -a
Run automagically; convert B<headerfiles>, as well as any B<.h> files
which they include. This option will search for B<.h> files in all
directories which your C compiler ordinarily uses. B<-a> and B<-r> are
mutually exclusive.
=item -l
Symbolic links will be replicated in the destination directory. If B<-l>
is not specified, then links are skipped over.
=item -h
Put ``hints'' in the .ph files which will help in locating problems with
I<h2ph>. In those cases when you B<require> a B<.ph> file containing syntax
errors, instead of the cryptic
[ some error condition ] at (eval mmm) line nnn
you will see the slightly more helpful
[ some error condition ] at filename.ph line nnn
However, the B<.ph> files almost double in size when built using B<-h>.
=item -D
Include the code from the B<.h> file as a comment in the B<.ph> file.
This is primarily used for debugging I<h2ph>.
=item -Q
``Quiet'' mode; don't print out the names of the files being converted.
No environment variables are used.
=head1 FILES
=head1 AUTHOR
Larry Wall
=head1 SEE ALSO
The usual warnings if it can't read or write the files involved.
=head1 BUGS
Doesn't construct the %sizeof array for you.
It doesn't handle all C constructs, but it does attempt to isolate
definitions inside evals so that you can get at the definitions
that it can translate.
It's only intended as a rough tool.
You may need to dicker with the files produced.
Doesn't run with C<use strict>
You have to run this program by hand; it's not run as part of the Perl
Doesn't handle complicated expressions built piecemeal, a la:
enum {
#ifdef ABC
Doesn't necessarily locate all of your C compiler's internally-defined